1 October 2006
Yeah Even I want to play His game. Watch this kids, they are future MJ. |
24 September 2006
I don't think I want to be right all the time. Sometimes it is okay to be wrong. If I was right all the time, I would be running in circles. Will never get anywhere that way. Mistakes help us learn better. If we are wise, we make mistakes, or rather, we acknowledge our mistakes. If we are smart, we don't repeat mistakes. :-DLooking back, I think I remember my mis-steps more than my right ones. A reminder to not repeat them. It does help. It is easier to predict consequences of a wrong move, or rather easier to predict if we are making a wrong move. Which is very important. to know that we are making a mistake. If we have not made one before, how would we recognize it?After all, to err is human. And we should learn to forgive ourselves. But not forget. Experience, they say, is the best teacher. Just because someone advises us that we are making a wrong move does not stop us. We have to make it and then realize our error and try to backtrack. We should try not to repeat ourselves, when it comes to erring. And that brings me to another cliche, once bitten twice shy.
15 September 2006
After a long dormancy from our enchanter ARR, this album comes out with lots of expectations from his die-hard fans. Is this yet another commercial work or has he really made it signature ARR piece of work.Here are my views on the songs in order of my liking -
1. New York Nagaram -You must listen to this song when your are alone. lovely chords on the guitar to begin with and all along, simple yet subtle to lure you into a mild trance (esp @ a raining dawn / dusk). It really gives you the feeling of concrete jungle when you listen to it. This song sounds way toooooo familiar to me but I just don't seem to figure it grrrrrrrr :-??. Every time I listen from 0:50 to 1:15 a nostalgic feeling sets in, or is it just the suavity of the interplay of wind instruments there. Smooth is short of expression to explain the feeling. The cadence in the singing in the line "Naa Inge Neeyum Ange" (and the likes again) were the most impressive and striking part of the singing. The female chorous also seemed just perfect, hush and reaching the heart. Perfect time to listen to it - "gloomy weather, with the rain drop battering the roof of the window shades outside you room" ... perfect O:).
2. Munbe Va Anbe Va - Does Godesses saraswathi dance in her toung :-/. She's got the most beautiful voice today. At first this song did not appeal to me since the lyrics weren't profound. But I listened to it just coz of the rhythm / beats that goes in the backdrop. Not too often do we see scores with such brilliant variance in drumming. The change brought out withing every cycle kept me glued to it just to figure the exponential (inverted bell) raise and quick exponential fall. I'll be doin that until I can replicate it tapping my dest to it :D. In the meanwhile I am already smitten by her singing, so much that ever the sound of her catching breath sounds so befitting. The "Rango-Rangooli" in the chorus background is just as sweet (proly kids singing :-?) as shreya goshal's. The chorus reminded me of "Nejinile Nejinile" song for some odd reason. If this song fails to impress you on 1st listening, DON'T GIVE UP. Trust me, you wouldn't be disappointed :).
3. Jillendru Oru Kadhal - absolute jolly track, and again reminiscience of familiarity. Only after revisiting Arvind commentry did I realize it indeed following the same motif as "Vennila Vennila" from the movie Iruvar by ARR himself (recycling is he?). The unorthodox singing mixed with some rock and roll age western gave it quite a flavour. Lyrics is also quite playful complementing the aura given by the music. Some places sounded more like stolen from "Tom & Jerry" ;)) he he. Maybe the jazziness. A kitten meowing added mischief to the whole stage.
4. Kummi Adi - along the likes of "Kamma Karaiyile" from Godfather but nowhere close. Fast folky number (as Arvind pointed to). These songs never get borring until the next one in the genre comes in. Esp if you are on a outing and wanna dance the hell out in any god damn way you please meaninglessly :)). But no one (I'm talking absolutes now) in the industry can bring out the smell of our country folks the way Ilayaraja can. Not sure if others can do a successful folksy song without this thiruvizha theme.
5. Maricham - This song gave me the feel of the ever classic hit Chandralekha from Thiruda Thiruda, a techno feast it is. Fast beats (just as in "My heart goes Boom Boom" by Enigma), crushing/breaking glass, open space drum, vortex sounds makes your body move to the music (in fits) before you realize it. Until the "Gautham, Gautham ... Gautham ... ... Gautham" strikes in #-o. And then it even has some verses alike the biblical chants typical of enigma and as if Enya were singing in the background (a wee bit of LORT sound track's feel kicks in). Felt more like a potpourri for me.
6. Majja Majja - Supposedly sensuous #-o, oooh please. Remember those old crappy tamil movies where out'a the blue the hero n heroin land up in forest with some tribals get drunk and dance their booty out (and sometimes end up doing more), that the sick feel this song gives. I esp hated the backdrop, rustic drumming with the masculine "hoooo" sound in chorus. Its so much more lousy when they pronounce it maaza X-(, sound so unlike tamil. Was this supposed to contend with "Thazhuvudu Nazhuvudu" from Ah Aah - Anbe Aaruyire? :)) not a chance. Not this time ARR, you lost to none but thyself :D.
7. Machakaari - This songs turned out kind of disappointing of the lot. Though the mood seem to be different therz some semblance to "Rangola Rangola" from Ghajini. The music grossly overshadowing the lyrics. The voice modulation when she sings "vizhundheeen kaadela" (2:45 to 2:50) was interestingly nice to hear amidst the raucous. Just way too many things out there for it to be enjoyable.
The 1st two songs in the list were really exceptional, enought for ARR fans to know hes live and kicking as ever. But definitely not the best he can produce. Wonder when he'd come out with a project with the songs signature ARR style. Maybe its gonna take a non-commercial project (to work at it @ his own pace) to do so.Until then enchant thyself with whatz at hand.
7 June 2006
Don’t know what and why I m writing this post.But certain random thoughts were comin and smtimes some muzzy question comes for which u become inexplicable when i start by project work or assignment .
5 June 2006
30 May 2006
The person who invented this sentence is either a Vocabulary GENIUS or is absolutely JOBLESS Why, you'll soon find out!!!!!
Read the sentence below carefully: "I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications incomprehensibleness".
Whats so weird about it, well think.....
still thinking...
ok here it is...
This is a sentence where the Nth word is N letters long. e.g. 3rd word is 3 letters long, 8th word is 8 letters long and so on.
29 May 2006
There are heaps n heaps of communities and lots of heated discussions and exchange of insults. So many Anti-this or anti-that communities. Religion bashing, Language bashing, Race bashing, Sexual orientation bashing, caste, name it and you have a community against it. Visit any India-Pakistan community and you can read some heated posts.
I never expected there to be so much hate all around. I wonder if it’s just frustration or anger or just people trying to fit in or prove a point. Whatever it is - it’s not healthy.
Days pass months pass and years pass by and what you remember of her is she wakes you up in the morning, she cooks for you, at all times she is there for you and concerned about you.
God cannot be there everywhere so he created Mother…who can be there with her children to solve all their problems to take away all their pains and to bring joy in their lives
We keep ourselves busy in work, friends, deadlines, projects…. how many time do we think of her???? But do you know how many times she thinks of us in a day? All the time… I miss her a lot.. I wanna go home .. I know this is too much bcoz just now i came from india.. feeling home sick .. missing everyone .. Mum, pops, akka, a big list.. even i have nice friends in adelaide , i feel like go home to see my mum atleast.. I love u ma... Miss u so much ..
26 May 2006

Looking for answers to these questions.. any suggestions??
1. If all the nations in the world are in debt(even US has got debts), where did all the money go?
3. What is the speed of darkness?
4. If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn'tthe whole airplane made out of that stuff?
5. Who copyrighted the copyright symbol?
6 .Can you cry under water?
7. Why do people say, "you've been working like a dog" when dogs just sit around all day?
8. Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed
9. Do fish ever get thirsty?
10. Can you get cornered in a round room?
11. What does OK actually mean?
12. Why do birds not fall out of trees when they sleep?
13. If a person suffered from amnesia and then was cured would they remember that they forgot?
14. Can you blow a balloon up under water?
15. Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
16. If you were traveling at the speed of sound and you turned on your radio would you be able to hear it?
17. If you're traveling at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on, what happens?
18. Why is it called a TV set when theres only one?
19. If a person owns a piece of land do they own it all the way down to the core of the earth?
20. Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can't go that fast on any road
25 May 2006

Atlast our long time dream came true yesterday night. Students in Adelaide was our dream project to help all students in and around adelaide in different ways. We took our first step by creating a blog and a community in Orkut to help all our counterparts. One just one day our community memebership increased from 10 to 45 memebers. We are so happy to see quick response from al our members.
Lets Start together and make this blog informative
please visit us and leave four valuable comments.
24 May 2006

Giri's Birthday party
Last weekend is one of my best pal's birthday. It was wonderful. The first guests(Me, Anand and Prakash) went to his by 10 p.m. and we all left only at 2 a.m. and during those 5 hours we had such a nice time, chatting, eating, movie and listening to music.I don't have huge amounts of friends in adelaide, but the ones that I've got are all very close, the kind of type that will always be there no matter what. Some we all see often, because we are living like a family here..It's really too bad that we all live so hectic lives that we don't have the time to see each other as much as we would like to, but I guess that makes it even more special when we finally get together. Birthday is the only time a year that we have the possibility of gathering all our friends under one roof at the same time and it always means a lot to Us.
We went for a small drive to windy point and had nice fun.. Giri is one my special friend who i can trust and share my problem.. The highlight of the party is Sambar(Indian curry) prepared by Anand..and silly photograph clicked in Windy point...I reckon Anand is having some special intergents in his hand.. it was awesome everyone started to drink.. he he he..
18 May 2006
Somewhere between the phone calls to old friends and the "I miss you"s, the "I love you"s and the "What are we doing tonight?"s
And somewhere between all of the changing and growing..
Somewhere between the classes and the skipping classes.. and the StUdYiNg for ExAm.. And the PRETENDING to "study" for ExAm (Like Me).. And the downright NOT studying for the tests.. I forgot -- I forgot what UnIvErSiTy was all about.
Somewhere between all the appointments, starbuck's coffee's, McDonald's, Hungry Jack, KFC.. paying bills and then not paying bills..... Making plans then breaking plans.... Appearing, Disappearing,then reappearing...
I forgot -- I forgot what it was like to cry.
I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy.. And that pretending to be sMaRT doesn't make you Smart I I forgot that you can't just forget the past, you can't leave your present in fear of the FUTURE..
I forgot that you can't control falling in LoVe.. And that you can't make yourself fall in *LoVe*
I learnt that I can LOVE.. I learnt that it's okay to MeSS uP.. And it's okay to ask for HELP!!!.. And it's okay to feel like crap.. I learnt it's okay to CoMPLaiN and WHiNe to all your friends for a whole day..
I learnt that sometimes the things you want the most are the things that you just can't have and the things that you look for are right in front of you. I learnt that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about.. I learnt that TIME and LOVE can heal everything.. I learnt that just when you think it can't get worse - it does!.. but you learn to survive..
I've learnt that when you start feeling BaD about L O S I N G touch and about those who you've lost! They too, are feeling the same way..
I've learnt that life's not easy, but its yours... And you have to live it.....
----------Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to carry on in spite of it.----------
17 May 2006
One paragraph that explains Life......
Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of CANCER .
From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?
To this Arthur Ashe replied: The world over
- 5 crore children start playing tennis.
- 50 lakh learn to play tennis.
- 5 lakh learn professional tennis.
- 50,000 come to the circuit.
- 5000 reach the grand slam.
- 50 reach Wimbeldon.
- 4 to semi final.
- 2 to the finals.
- When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?".
- And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?" Remember : Happiness keeps u Sweet, Trials keep u Strong, Sorrow keeps u Human, Failure Keeps u Humble, Success keeps u Glowing, But only God Keeps u Going.....

"Forsake not an old friend, for a new one does not compare with him."The phrase just brings back our memories of those whom we have lost contact...All those college days just runs through my mind..Those long hour bugging classes..the tests..the exams...punishments...and ofcourse the best part of school and college ..The friends....OKOK..I guess this hype is too much for him..:)I pretty well know that we were very gud friends at one point of time..but few unexpected things did make us part..Maybe that was wat God had wanted...The strained relationship I had with him was for a little too long..We both wanted to maintain the bond...At one point of time..I really detested him so much...he had taken many of my privileges....I lost many precious things just because he was with me always....And the most problematic thing was that I could not let go off him..even if I wanted to..I dunno y...but somehow..he stayed with me always though the years passed..Now he is a bit of a old friend...Not much of contact..Now I miss him very much..Though he had been a pester..in the college days...I now realised that he was not that bad..I know I cant renew the friendship now..he is a distant friend now..Even if I wanted to..I cant bring back the same sort of closeness..But I will always cherish those few years when he was with me..My Precious friend