20 January 2007

A Cup of Cofee

Hari: A coffee please
Oz Staff: To have here or takeaway?
Hari: To takeaway.
Oz Staff: Do you have a loyalty card?
Hari: No
Oz Staff: Would you like one?
Hari: No,thanks.
Oz Staff: If you have a loyalty card, ten stamps gets you a free drink. Are you sure you wouldn't like one?
Hari: Quite sure, thank you.
Oz Staff: Would you like a pastry with that?
Hari: No thanks.
Oz Staff: How about a biscotti?
Hari: No. Thank you.
Oz Staff: Really!
Hari: I'd just like my drink please.
Oz Staff: Right, sir. One tea coming up.
Hari: No, coffee.
Oz Staff:: A latte?'
Hari: No. Just a black coffee please with milk
Oz Staff: A black, filter coffee with milk?
Hari: Exactly.
Oz Staff: What size?
Hari: I dunno. Medium?
Oz Staff: One grande filter coffee coming up.
Hari:I don't want a "grande! Just a medium.
Oz Staff:Grande is medium, sir.
Hari: Oh. Sorry. Thanks.
Oz Staff: That'll be S3.50 please.
Oz Staff:Great. Brilliant. Thank you.
Hari: Escape Mamuuuuuuuuuuuuu

This happens everyday - Maybe twice a day sometimes, unless you go to the same coffee place day in day out. And even then it happens, cos they keep changing the staff.And to think some people have the patience to ask for their De-Caf Semi-Skimmed Organic Americano with Double Shot ( I have no idea what the hell is that) .It would take me ages to get that.

So I will put in simple words from next time, "A Medium Latte to Take-Away. Nothing Else. Heres the exact money in change,Thank You,Bye" but that wudnt be fun, wud it.


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