23 January 2007

Sleeping TIme Thoughts

Mother's lap...
Gal friends pain...
Father's advise...
Sister's happiness...
Beach sand...
Encouragement spree...
Rice with ghee and Sambar...
Masters in university...
Lack of sleep...
Alarm beep...
Darkness of night...
Success in sight...
Meandering thoughts...
Why the three dots star...
Glittering stars
Formula 1
My life so far
Childhood memories
A soft touch
Heavy mind
Silent tear
Slight fear

Arise, I did, from my bed, to just pen down the thoughts I experience before I sleep...What do u think just before u sleep? Just curious to know if our thoughts at this time truly reflect who we are...cos this is one time of the day we don't have to tailor our thoughts to the need of the situation...and nobody to impress or time to catch up.


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