28 February 2007
When we think of the problems in our life its two types:
1) problems that come by themselves(spontaneous)
2) problems that we create ourselves.(self - induced)
So my conclusion....I would think with heart about my family ,spouse and friends ...and to those to whom I have to show my gratitude...but in other cases tolerance in a relationship will purely decided with BRAINS!!!! Life is too beatiful to be spent worrying...Decision i have taken is to dedicate time ,energy ,love ,prayers and above all TOLERANCE to only the ones who deserve it...I have alresy started practising it and my life seems to be more beautiful than ever! Life has taught its lessons to me ints own unique way! Good night :)
Labels: Brain, Heart, Love, Problem, Relationship
21 February 2007
Another little angel in my life :). Meet my sweet little gal Uma hailing from India.. Now she is part of our life. Yeah I am sponsoring her education, Medical expenses , clothes and Safe drinking for this year.
Every one should have heaps of question:
Is she Orphan and Physically Challenged? Yeah she WAS... Not any more .. I am there for her.
How can we sponsor a child : Visit World Vision India
How much I should Spend: 1500 Rs per month.
Can we meet our sponsor: yeah you can, I am going to meet all 3 little angel in June. But you need let them know before you visit them.
How do you about your sponsor's Process : Annually World Vision India give you update and you will get a letter from your sponsor personally written by them.
Dont wait , we spend 1500 on dress and food but why cant we enlight someone's life. Education for Future India one of the important thing. Lets start working on future. :)
This week is little bit exciting with mixer of happiness and problems.. Here is the top 10 happenings this week .. as you all know this is not Rating .. just numbers
10. Successfully completed my Project and started working on next one.
9. Completed my SQL 2005 Microsoft certification
8. Entered Semifinals and Got a chance to play Division 1 Wollongong ( excited)
7. Started playing Handball and Indoor cricket with my colleagues.
6. Amma got retired - She must miss her Job...
5. Giri Back to Sydney to start new life.
4. D finished her Masters..
3. At last happiness in Natu's life. He made it. He got the Job now. Now he is back to india to fix some stuff.
2. www.studentsadelaide.org - another milestone of our students in Adelaide community.
1. Sick Sick Sick .. Yeah i am Sick :D-- This Week i am weak :))..
Something special: I saw somone in Pic after long long time ( Probably 8 years) .. Heaps excited.. No changes in that person face.. same as before. I hope even mentally same as before.. Seriously that pic made my week...
They say "In order to win something, you will have to give up something" - I gave up everything but same time I lost everything :) ..
Labels: Week
15 February 2007
Somewhere between the incessant forwards
and the friendships and the calls
to each other complaining about cRuSHeS and
Boy friends and girl friends!!
Somewhere between the phone calls to old
friends and the "I miss you"s,
the "I love you"s and
the "What are we doing tonight?"s
And somewhere between all of the changing and growing..
Somewhere between the classes and the skipping
classes.. and the StUdYiNg for ExAm.. And the
PRETENDING to "work" on your project(Like Me)..
And the downright NOT doing anything related to that..
Somewhere between all the appointments, starbuck's coffee's, McDonald's, Hungry Jack, KFC.. paying bills ... Making plans then breaking plans.... Appearing, Disappearing,then reappearing...
I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy.. And that pretending to be sMaRT doesn't make you Smart ....
I forgot that you can't just forget the past, you can't leave your present in fear of the FUTURE..
I forgot that you can't control falling in LoVe.. And that you can't make yourself fall in *LoVe*
I learnt that I can LOVE..
I learnt that it's okay to MeSS uP..
And it's okay to ask for HELP!!!..
And it's okay to feel like crap..
I learnt it's okay to CoMPLaiN and WHiNe to all your friends for a whole day..
I learnt that sometimes the things you want the most are the things that you just can't have and the things that you look for are right in front of you.
I learnt that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about.. I learnt that TIME and LOVE can heal everything..
I learnt that just when you think it can't get worse - it does!..
but you learn to survive..
I've learnt that when you start feeling BaD
about L O S I N G touch and about those who you've lost!
They too, are feeling the same way..
I've learnt that life's not easy, but its yours... And you have to live it.....
----------Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to carry on in spite of it.----------
I realized something..
I realized that i am in love ... :-)
It took me quite sometime.. but glad i finally did..
I m in love with that thing in the pic..
wats so special abt tht phone u ask me?
Thats my phone.. my trusted buddy..
Who shared all my secrets.. my conspiracies..my revelations.. ;)
Everyday i get up in the morning and like a spontaneous act, my long hand reaches out to my phone.. i fumble in the dark.. curse all the bulky things tht i bump into and have a kutti smile on my face when i feel my Nokia 6288 ... :-)
When i go out, its weird if i dont feel the little bulge in my pocket..
I start my day with my phone being the first to wish me good morning.. and everyday with a lil goodnight kiss from it..
My Nokia 6288 gives me everything..
My S " i miss u" .. My sisters "advice" , my mum's "care" , my dad's "love"...
My friend's torture :-p (Chumma i am Kidding )
A million sms..
constant beeping..
cursing THREE wen i exceed my 49$ plan..
Foul mouthing a friend who picked up my missed call wen i had exceeded my balance..
Embarrassment wen i forget to put my phone on silent mode in at Meeting..
I love u .. u short, black and handsome thing..
What wud i do without u ??
12 February 2007
Somethings do make our week special.. Of course, here is my top 10 (no no not a tag..please...) that brought a smile to me recently... no rating.. just numbers...
1. Mum's Birthday ( but missed it ) I love you amma... So much.. Miss u more then that....
2. Officially Australian... ( I got my PR)
3. Appa is planning to come Sydney for 1 month( sounds cool ) but dont know how this is going 2 work...
4. England Won the Common wealth Tournament.
5. I feel something different but i am enjoying it ( Note: No more questions on this )
6. Believe me - I had south Indian food for 3 days Continuously
7. We won our game this week after 2 straight lose.
8. Heavy rain, fog, Princess Highway with Hazard lights on- It was amazing drive on weekend..
9. Got to meet up with an old uni mates and Maha ..
10. Had Rasagola ( My Fav India Sweet)
I was thinking....all of the best things in life are best left unsaid, unvoiced...no reply.. something indirectly
A beautiful feeling or thought arises in your heart in response to something, and how vain it is to try and give it the form of words !!
Always felt that expressing something in words somehow always lessens the purity of the feeling....so words, however powerful they are, are always inadequate in giving form to the voice of the heart... you need to search for words and makes you worse ...
Like, a feeling of compassion that arises in your heart when you see the woman with a hungry child, begging at the traffic signal....or the high that you feel after a good day's work..........when you feel utterly sorry for someone or for something you have done, and how much ever you try to convey your apology, words are just not sufficient. But, the best example is.- when you love someone/something too much but you cant express in words and make them understand. (on second thought, is it for this reason that it is vain to try to describe God? but more on that later)
Also notice this often...this is with respect to the lower feelings...those feelings/thoughts that surface may times throughout the day, the ones tainted with selfishness, ego, pride, vanity, etc - when these feelings need to be conveyed, words are so useful and so very powerful..........what joy in twisting words, manipulating them, to deliberately mask what you really feel......and yet be supremely successful in getting the message across........
NOTE : I am not married.. heard there has been a conspiracy against me by the opposition parties in Coimbatore he he he he...these people are spreading rumors about marriage and started demanding treat ....without giving me gifts ...please help me fight this unfair war ..don't support them.
Alright let start this hot topic with different style...This topic purely on Gals who started there life in aboard... How many times have you heard that it is tough to understand a girl ? I swear to god its really touch and complicated stuff to understand a gal.. The girls have got a very complicated thinking process and we guys don't understand whats in a girl's mind.
I mean the guys are not smart enough to comprehend a girl's answer because a "no" means "yes" and a "yes" means "no" and there are times when "yes" means "yes" and "no" means "no". The complexity doesn't end here .A guy has to decipher that when a girl refuses to help him out with damn Java assignment and also gives him a few cold stares then she means that she wants flowers . Why don't the girls just get the flowers themselves ? I mean how many times has a guy tried to hint a girl that he wants a beer ? If he wants beer then he gets it by himself.
Now when I wish I could solve the puzzles the girls burden us with everyday , I hear some guys telling that girls change when they come abroad .When they say girls have changed do they mean the girls are more independent or less dependent on guys/family members ? If yes , then I guess its just that anyone who comes abroad has to be on his/her own .I know guys back home who cant go out on their own but when they go abroad they change.So being independent is not a girl or a guy thing ...its just a necessity when you are abroad.
Now if the "girls change when in abroad" means that they know less about Indian culture or they don't follow traditional stuffs , then again its a wrong statement .I have come across abroad settled families who know more about Indian culture and who follow it more than most of the Indians back home.Some of these people are more Indians(as in patriotism) than rest of us back home.
If you talk about "kunija thalai nimuratha ponnu" ( women who dont make eye contacts with others ) and the ones who only look at the floor when talking are not to be found in abroad , then let me tell you it has nothing to do with culture but with road.In India , all roads have lots of holes and uncovered manholes .So a girl walking on road looks down to avoid them . We are mistaking it for some kinda culture .You may ask then guys walking on those roads should also look down .Come on guys , you have to 2 options #) look out for the uncovered manholes #)look a the beautiful girl .Obviously every guy will choose to look at the girl.Only if guys were smarter , they had avoid the uncovered manholes ....and the girls .And of course , the roads abroad are safer.
So people please enlighten me what you mean by saying that girls change when they come abroad .I find them as mysterious as ever ... exactly the ones who claim to be an animal lover and against cruelty to animals ..but when you ask them for their favourit
7 February 2007
5 February 2007
Just now finished watching "Swades", Suddenly i feel home sick :(...The worst thing about being abroad is the loneliness that eventually engulfs you. After all, there is no substitute for home. You may get great food. There might be awesome entertainment avenues. The infrastructure might be infinitely better. There may be some really great Desi channels on your television set. You may have a decent circle of friends with whom you are extremely comfortable. But after 3 years, invariably, I started getting this feeling of loneliness.
What is it about India that I often search for wherever I go?
- The crowds.
- The roads.
- The freedom to cross the roads whenever and wherever you want to.
- The overflowing garbage bins that line the roads.
- The unruly traffic.
- The power cuts.
- Watching 5 Tamil channels on TV at any point of the day.
- Calling some one who is really close to you and talking to them for ages....
- The knowledge that mom and dad are just around the corner.
- The freedom to talk to my sister for an hour without bothering about spending away a fortune.
- A bunch of friends who understand and empathize with what exactly you are going through, and are probably going through it themselves.
- One of the lowest costs of living on earth.
- The loud music that blares all over the place.
- That incredible thing called home made food.
- The beauty of unplanned, unstructured locales.
- The monsoon.
- The pollution that makes you cough every time you are stuck in the traffic.
- The bargaining that is so essentially a part of Indian life.
- Traveling one hour to reach anywhere from anywhere.
- The otherwise usually atrocious autowallahs.
-The awesome pace of life
But is this what I really miss about India? I don’t know. There seem to be so many implicit factors. And so many indefinable emotions. Is it patriotism? Probably not something so noble. By the way, what is it that makes India so unique to you? I’m sure you would have a different list altogether...
This incredible “Swades” feeling that continues to bother me, is it a universal syndrome? Or, is it just me imagining things? I love my Country. India is the Best.
What do you do when things that you didn’t want to happen just happens effortlessly one by one? You don’t have control over it; you have no say over it. Do you give in or just stand and fight against it ?
What do you do when you want to accomplish something but you don’t seem to do it? Maybe it is not your forte. Maybe it is not your cup of tea. But you still want to do it just for the heck of it. But you don’t seem to be getting there. Do you give up and call yourself a loser or keep trying and get the feel of it if not the taste of success ?
What do you do when all of a sudden when you wake up and feel that you do not belong to the place you are in? Putting in more thoughts you realize you don’t belong anywhere and that there is no place at all that you belong to. Do you make a place for yourself or do you just compromise and live someone’s life instead ?
What do you do when you can’t communicate with the people around you? In spite of the same language, in spite of the closeness with people, you still can’t get your point to anyone. Do you remain silent or just try putting your thoughts time and again although no one understands ?
What do you do when each day you need to work so hard to carry the day through by being a different person each hour for each one you meet and interact? Do you continue all the hypocrisy and niceness - My Answer is YES and This is how I feel now at office but still I keep trying my best and enjoying as well..1 February 2007
I was analyzing the incidents where I could have been different..It was then I heard it..
I was sure no one could be there..Slowly and steadily I got up and looked around for any movement..But there was nothing to be seen..Still..I was hearing the voice..In fact familiar one which I heard for long time..

I was alone at home..And I save money by not using lights at night time...Window was opened and I closed my window..Where could be that sound be coming from..It was constantly coming from a place very close to me..But I was not able to see anything..The voice then started talking something..First I was not able to hear anything clearly..Slowly I was able to recognize the clear words..When I keenly listened to it..I then realized that it was narrating the things that I had done from the time I woke up..Each line that was uttered ..I was astonished..Who could it be?
All those things that only I could know was being told by that unknown voice..
The places where I had committed mistakes..The incident where I had hurt someone..The incident where I forgot to pay attention to my close pals..So many more incidents..How could this be??
Even th

I needed to thank the voice...Just then..I went on to switch on all the lights in my house..Searched for more than an hour in all nook and corner..But there was no one in my house..Except me .....So....Yeah...This should have been....Yeah.Ur guess is right..The voice belonged to "My Conscience.."