1 February 2007

Unknown Whisper

Tired of the day's work,I laid down on my bed..The light from street was illuminating my room through the window..Staring at the window and I was having a recap..Re-Cap of all that had happened today..

I was analyzing the incidents where I could have been different..It was then I heard it..
I was sure no one could be there..Slowly and steadily I got up and looked around for any movement..But there was nothing to be seen..Still..I was hearing the voice..In fact familiar one which I heard for long time..

I was alone at home..And I save money by not using lights at night time...Window was opened and I closed my window..Where could be that sound be coming from..It was constantly coming from a place very close to me..But I was not able to see anything..The voice then started talking something..First I was not able to hear anything clearly..Slowly I was able to recognize the clear words..When I keenly listened to it..I then realized that it was narrating the things that I had done from the time I woke up..Each line that was uttered ..I was astonished..Who could it be?
All those things that only I could know was being told by that unknown voice..
The places where I had committed mistakes..The incident where I had hurt someone..The incident where I forgot to pay attention to my close pals..So many more incidents..How could this be??

Even then..I was just thinking of those times where so many people had been hurt by my small unknown deeds.. I had made them unhappy needlessly..I could have been different in that situation so that I could have avoided such unwanted sadnesses..I realized my mistakes...And then made up my mind that am gonna seek forgiveness from those whom I had hurted.....Wat a relief when I had made such a decision..My heart seemed lighter..I felt a big burden removed from my head...Then I suddenly realized that I had not still found out the origin of that unknown Voice..The voice that had helped me so much..It had indeed helped me to realize my mistakes..

I needed to thank the voice...Just then..I went on to switch on all the lights in my house..Searched for more than an hour in all nook and corner..But there was no one in my house..Except me .....So....Yeah...This should have been....Yeah.Ur guess is right..The voice belonged to "My Conscience.."


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