21 February 2007

Meet my Little angel

Another little angel in my life :). Meet my sweet little gal Uma hailing from India.. Now she is part of our life. Yeah I am sponsoring her education, Medical expenses , clothes and Safe drinking for this year.

Every one should have heaps of question:

Is she Orphan and Physically Challenged? Yeah she WAS... Not any more .. I am there for her.

How can we sponsor a child : Visit World Vision India

How much I should Spend: 1500 Rs per month.

Can we meet our sponsor: yeah you can, I am going to meet all 3 little angel in June. But you need let them know before you visit them.

How do you about your sponsor's Process : Annually World Vision India give you update and you will get a letter from your sponsor personally written by them.

Dont wait , we spend 1500 on dress and food but why cant we enlight someone's life. Education for Future India one of the important thing. Lets start working on future. :)


  1. Srivatsa.Narasimhan said...
    Iam very happy to know that u r doin something worthy.I was on a similar task a few years back,when we frends used to visit orphanages and donate money and dress. But worldvision helps us serve the kids in a different way.all the best!
    Srivatsa.Narasimhan said...
    Iam very happy to know that u r doin something worthy.I was on a similar task a few years back,when we frends used to visit orphanages and donate money and dress. But worldvision helps us serve the kids in a different way.all the best!
    Srivatsa.Narasimhan said...
    Iam very happy to know that u r doin something worthy.I was on a similar task a few years back,when we frends used to visit orphanages and donate money and dress. But worldvision helps us serve the kids in a different way.all the best!
    Srivatsa.Narasimhan said...
    Iam very happy to know that u r doin something worthy.I was on a similar task a few years back,when we frends used to visit orphanages and donate money and dress. But worldvision helps us serve the kids in a different way.all the best!
    Srivatsa.Narasimhan said...
    Iam very happy to know that u r doin something worthy.I was on a similar task a few years back,when we frends used to visit orphanages and donate money and dress. But worldvision helps us serve the kids in a different way.all the best!
    Srivatsa.Narasimhan said...
    Iam very happy to know that u r doin something worthy.I was on a similar task a few years back,when we frends used to visit orphanages and donate money and dress. But worldvision helps us serve the kids in a different way.all the best!
    Thiru said...
    Your effort is fine. But, remove the picture. You are spoiling the privacy of the child. You wudn't want her to feel that!

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