5 June 2006

Secret of True Love

I saw this poem from one Orkut profile ..its really nice ... thought of sharing this in my blog
Water symbolizes LOVE,
As long as you keep your hand
Caringly open and allow it to remain there,
it will always be there.
If you attempt to close your fingers
around it and try to posses it,
it will spill through the first cracks it finds.
This is the greatest mistakes
that people do when they meet love
They try to posses it
they demand, they expect,
Just like water spilling out of your hand,
love will retrieve from you .
For love is meant to be freee
you cannot change it's nature
if there are people you loves,
allow them to be free beings.
Give and don't expect
Advise, but dont order
Ask, never demand,
It is the secret of Love.......


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