25 November 2007
Few things I came to know in last couple of days
What do you do when you are down?
I usually fix the problem. But sometimes there are many external factors involved - mostly intangible. It is when things are not in your control that you have a tough time.
Distractions are one way to go. Play, watch a good movie, read a comics, spend time with friends etc. But once the distraction stops, it seems like the earlier thoughts come back with vengeance.
Talking yourself into a frame of mind is another. You know, things like: "It will be alright", "It is for the better", "This too shall pass", "Tomorrow, something will happen and it will be like this problem never even existed" etc.
Acceptance, may be? But that needs the maturity of a saint. If you had that attitude, the problem would have never seemed like a problem in the first place, right?
Counting your blessings. This seems pretty lame-ass to me right now.
What do YOU do anyway?
Once she looked at her watch and was wondering what was delaying him. She cursed him for being late. Really funny fights.. So called pencil fights... But deep inside her, she knew he loved her more than himself. he was too lucky to got her. She had been by his side always when he had needed her.
The waves were still lashing the shore forcefully, just like the day they had last met. It was almost late night and still she had not come. he was starting to get worried about her. he tried calling her mobile, but was unable to reach her. he stood there gazing at the waves, suddenly angry over them.
"Hari Get up it's already 7.30 Am.... time to office da macha .... We have our deadline today and you need to start Canberra by evening"
"God! I wish to be in my dreams....."
9 November 2007
Best moments in life:
Talking about person you love.
A sweet conversation.
Get a hug from someone you love.
Eyes filled with tears after a laugh.
Holding hands with your love on a long walk.
Sudden raindrops on the tip of the nose.
Kicking a little pebble lazily
As you stroll with your loved one.
Life looks different when cupid strikes.
And no one can escape it.
For some cupid strikes before marriage
And for some its after marriage.
That's the only difference.
3rd Diwali thousands of miles away from home, away from all loved ones.
But it is gonna be something different.
No sound of crackers.
No illuminated lights on the streets.
No special sweets.
No waking up early.
No holiday.
No TV programs.
No signs of Diwali.
But still it is Diwali...
Wishing you all a happy and safe Diwali
Picture Courtesy: Kaivalya Prasad
10 September 2007
As I crossed the bridge at Great Ocean Drive listening to the sweet mesmerizing voice of AR, it was then that it struck to me that this was the last time that I would be passing this way in this trip. Yeah!! My Holidays was over and I would be going back to Sydney in 2days..after my wonderful break. The heavily lashing rains woke me up from the lovely memories of Melbourne that I was to take home back with me and all the lovely friends that I had made here in Melbourne in just few days. I managed to complete my last minute packing with lot of confusion and pain..... At last I was seated in the Qantas ( wish i missed the fight ) which would accompany me on my way back to Sydney. Below few lines was my experiences in few days
"Life is just about new experiences. It is truly not a bed of roses.
We pass through all these hurdles and shortcomings to emerge as a new personality.
That is what my short stay in Melbourne has taught me..
New Friends which i never thought of!!
New Experiences which i never had before!!
New Approach to life which i never thought about!!
Varied Learning to smile 3 days Continuously!!
and many more....
At last, the time to bid goodbye to my dear!! Happening City (Melbourne ) has come...
I left Melbourne Carrying all the
wonderful memories of this 3 days stay here in this Happening City!!
Indeed Missing the traffic Fines!!
Missing the little jokes of Vatsa, Preethi, Raj and Many more!!
Missing the city as such and all those lovely people there!!
Mebbe that is the reason for the Cold in Melbourne..
The city is just not ready to part with me and of course even me either!!
Psst...Dont ask me why Sydney is also Cold!!"
But now I was astonished at the change of emotions that I was experiencing. My thoughts transported me to the past. The lovely places that I had visited. Right from the Ocean drive and lots of beautiful places. The lovely friend with whom I had grown close to for ages. And the most memorable part...My most cherished part..It was in this short stay that I was able to visualize "How can we feel Different" . I had enjoyed each and every minute there. The time spent in Preethi's House.. Cracking Jokes from Vatsa and Raj.. Awesome Dinner with new special persons in my life..all the wonderful new friends that I had got to know.
Truly I would be missing all this fun and frolic. With all these thoughts, I landed in Sydney Airport and I noticed that the rains had not stopped yet. With a heavy heart, I realised that the nature also was shedding tears for me sharing my inconsolable pain. My eyes slowly contributing to the heavy drops of rain here in Sydney.
Miss you All.. Hope You all Enjoyed a lot.. :)
12 July 2007
Ya hooooooo its my 50th Post with some useful information :)
- Getup 15 minutes earlier
- Prepare for the morning the night before
- Avoid tight-fitting clothes.
- Don't rely on your memory
- Practice preventative maintenance
- Make duplicate keys and store them where you can get to them
- Say 'no' more often
- Set priorities in your life
- Avoid negative people
- Use your time wisely
- Simplify everything you can
- Make copies of important papers and store them where you'll be able to find them
- repair anything that doesn't work properly
- Ask for help
- Chunk down big jobs into little ones
- View problems as challenges
- Look at challenges as opportunities
- Unclutter your life.
- Smile
- Be prepared for rain
- Laugh at something
- Pet a dog or cat
- Don't try to know all the answers
- Look for the silver lining
- Say something nice to someone
- Teach a kid to fly a kite
- Walk in the rain
- Schedule some time each day to play.
- Take a long shower or a bubble bath
- Be Conscious of the decisions you make
- Believe in yourself
- Stop beating yourself up
- Stop saying negative things to yourself.
- Visualize yourself winning
- Develop your sense of humor
- Stop thinking that tomorrow will be a better day
- Set goals for yourself.
- Say hello to a stranger
- Ask a friend for a hug
- Give a friend a hug.
- Look at the stars
- Breathe slowly
- Learn to whistle
- Read a poem
- Listen to some music you've never heard before
- Watch a ballet
- Read something
- Do something new.
- Stop a bad habit.
- Buy yourself a flower
- Smell the flower
- Find support from others
- Give support to others
- Do it today.
- Work at being cheerful and optimistic
- Put safety first.
- Do everything you do in moderation.
- Pay attention to your appearance
- Strive for excellence, not perfection
- Stretch your limits a little each day
- Look at a painting or a sculpture
- Hum a song.
- Eat nutritiously
- Plant a tree
- Feed a bird
- Practice grace under pressure
- Stand up and stretch
- Have a "plan B"
- Draw a picture
- Buy some crayons and color
- Learn a joke.
- Be responsible for your feelings
- Meet your own needs.
- Know you limitations and let others know them, too.
- Throw a paper airplane
- Exercise
- Learn the words to a song
- Get to work early
- clean out one closet or one drawer
- Go on a picnic
- Take a different route to work
- Put an air freshener in your car
- Watch a movie
- Eat some popcorn while you watch a movie.
- Write a note to someone you haven't heard from in a while
- Take a walk.
- Go to a ball game and scream
- Eat a meal by candle light.
- Recognize the importance of unconditional love.
- Remember that stress is an attitude.
- Keep a journal
- Practice a smile
- Remember that there are always options
- Develop a support system
- Quit trying to "fix" people.
- Get enough sleep
- Talk less
- Listen more
- Praise others
- Stop counting things.
1 July 2007

His eyes were starting to feel heavy and drowsy but still He sat there gazing. His mind was re-collecting the events of the day that had just passed. He sat back and leaned on his chair. His reflection in the mirror clearly visible to him now. He looked at himself, his face, his eyes. The childhood innocence was lost. Gone was the hope that had lightened up in his eyes whenever in distress. The eyes bore the remains of the tears that had surrounded them for a long time now. They still clutched on to his face just like the drops of rain on his window. His smile had got lost in the gruelling sadness that had taken a fair share on his face.
"Dont I look old?" He thought to himself. He indeed felt old. A year of sorrow and tears. A year that had left him scarred and bruised. His hope and faith that He had held from his childhood was lost and drained. He sighed to himself, idly tracing the outline of his lips with his fingers and forming a virtual smile.
The reflection looked back at him and smiled wickedly. As He looked on, it seemed to change. The eyes were hollowed out, devoid of any feelings or expression. There was just emptiness accompanied with pain and despair. There was some void emotion that seemed as if there were no tears left to let out the pain inside the heart. The eyebrows were drawn together close to each other, as if they had formed a permanent expression on the face. The cheeks were withered, wrinkled and pale. The wrinkles and the lines on the face added on to the gloom on the face. The lips were pursed and etched in a triumphant smile of bitterness. It was the face of a loser. A face that had lost its Heen of happiness. A face that expected more of bitterness at each passing moment.
As He watched in despair, the face seemed to talk to him. "Look at me." it said in angry bitterness. "I am what I am because of you. Because of your blunders and mistakes. Now I have nothing in my life. Nothing at all which leaves me with no reason to live. Each day passing on without any happiness or cheerfulness, dreary and long. I once had dreams, dreams of joy and hope. But now all lost due to your choices. Stupid and unthoughtful choices. Now I have nothing to offer anyone. Nothing to feel happy about. Nothing to be cheerful about. No soul to shed a tear when I am gone. No one to even smile when reminded of me. Do you atleast feel the gloom that I am experiencing? Do you know how lonely I am? How terrible it is to feel with no one for you, the loneliness, totally alone? But, why me? All because of your foolishness!!"
"Now look at me!! What do you see?? I am your future." The face smiled bitterly and continued. "I am your fate!!!"
He looked at the mirror and shuddered for a moment. Was that the truth? Is that what was in store for him?
Silence. Time passed and something seemed to flicker. It seemed like a lightning at a distance. He looked at the mirror hoping that the reflection and the apparition would have gone and it was all due to his imagination. He blinked and the face blinked. But this time, the face had a different feeling altogether. There was hope and cheerfulness in the eyes. They were alive with laughter and He seemed to sense an inner ray of light within those eyes. The smile that lingered on the lips proclaimed the happiness from deep within. The face personified happiness and wisdom. The eyes looked at him with understanding and care, and not with anger or forgiveness, because there was no reason for forgiveness.
"Thank you" The face spoke. "You are the one who taught me the meaning of life. You helped me to understand the true lessons and what I had to do. You made mistakes, but learnt from it. You managed to find something good in all that you did, no matter how bad it seemed to be. Your taught me to find something positive in all that happened. You taught me to be stronger, to grow, to respond maturely, not react when things went wrong. You showed me that the worse the situation, the greater the opportunity. That was the reason that made me look at the positive side of life. It helped me await eagerly for the new beginning, the new dawn. It made me realise the treasures that I had in my life. My family, my friends who cared and loved me a lot. I have so many people with whom I can share my happiness and who make me feel good to be alive. You showed that I was born to show that I was strong despite of all the pain and despair. You showed that I can be something, someone in this world. I can make a difference. I did not search for happiness. It just came to me. I did not yearn for peace. I found it within me. "
"Thank you so much. If given a choice, I would be happy to live the past life once again. I have no regrets."
He stared wide-eyed at the mirror, unable to move. He blinked and when He looked at the mirror again, it showed him the face He saw every day, the marks of tears still evident on it. Had He been dreaming? Perhaps, it had been a long day, perhaps He had slept off. He put the mirror away and glanced out the window again. The night had changed, a full moon was shining, the clouds had blown away and a million stars were twinkling brightly.
"Tomorrow will be a beautiful day!" He thought to himself with a smile as He lay down to sleep.
and that happens only in India...
-When I bought those palm seeds from a cart vendor
-When I had that biiig bite of those juicy delicious mangoes of India…
-when someone knocked my door to collect and deliver those ironed clothes
-when I asked my mum to cook those fabulous ‘South Indian Pongal’
-when I gave that small amount of money to all waiters served us...
-When I hand picked my shirts from Peter England for 600 Bucks…
-When I saw my mum's smile when i bought her saree..
Oh! Well well…it was awersome 23 days with lot of happiness, advise and ofcourse problem.. its was a journey of traveling from a place with sub-zero temperature to a place with never-zero temperature is an adventure :)
A journey of a kind
One only of its kind
A long way, all through the way
Comforting and soothening...
Fun-filled 23 days,
Your own unique ways
Times for laughter
Times for tears
A friendly soul, always close
Precious moments
Those of joy and happiness
As you depart,
With you, you carry,
Those little pieces of Me!!!
17 March 2007
Sometimes we believe in certain people.. have expectations from them...
Some one said we should not expect.. but we are human.. and expectations and human go together..
There are so many complications in life.. and most of it is because of these expectations..
Be it professional .. be it personal.. these always have some value.. Its a different topic if we are able to meet other's expectation or not..
We might not be raising upto that level.. and when we dont and see the pain in our loved ones... we feel guilty.. and not go and advise.. don't have any expectations from me.. or nobody has ever had any expectation from me.. These are words of escapism...
When in a relationship.. be it parent child, brother sister, husband wife.. even in friendship.. we need to know that a little bit of affection is always expected... You need to be confident that when the whole world leaves me alone... my friend is always there for me...That is what is friendship after all... The confidence in the other person, the trust which you have on that person irrespective of whether the person will really do it for you.
What if there comes a situation you are no longer going to trust your friend... the friendship is off on a vacation.. probably that is the day, you realize, you did a mistake...
They say.. parents are by chance
friends are by choice
12 March 2007
Times have changed...no matter what....
Sleep is but a luxury..
No need to get back home...becoz there is no one there waiting for you....not mom,dad gal friend or sis
Food....yikees..keep missing on that one...there used to be days i kept eating on and on...
Friends don't mean all that much as they did previously.....or just that Im loosing it..
Fun has lost its meaning ....
Work has taken top priority...
24x7 a day is not enough...
Get tired....and sleep...
Gone are those days i used to have lunch with frenz...
hang around with them every where in cbe....jobless.....
Speak with someone special and tell what i feel....what do i do when i have no one to speak to??
...nope...all i do is speak official talk.....is there something called a personal talk??(hmmm ..)
No social life...
My life is taking a turn....
I hate to depend on ppl...no matter what....even when it comes to some sacrifices..I will give up becoz i am use to it now a days....
The whole point of being here is finish my masters ( which i did ) and to work ( which i am doing now, am i justifying it??)
This is Different life...:D
Things you will learn when you get here...
It aint worth breaking down...becoz no one is there to hear to what you say...
Never take anyones shoulder when u need help...u are old enough to be on your own...
You are never given any priority.....in anyones life...
You dont mean anything to anyone here...
9 March 2007
28 February 2007
When we think of the problems in our life its two types:
1) problems that come by themselves(spontaneous)
2) problems that we create ourselves.(self - induced)
So my conclusion....I would think with heart about my family ,spouse and friends ...and to those to whom I have to show my gratitude...but in other cases tolerance in a relationship will purely decided with BRAINS!!!! Life is too beatiful to be spent worrying...Decision i have taken is to dedicate time ,energy ,love ,prayers and above all TOLERANCE to only the ones who deserve it...I have alresy started practising it and my life seems to be more beautiful than ever! Life has taught its lessons to me ints own unique way! Good night :)
Labels: Brain, Heart, Love, Problem, Relationship
21 February 2007
Another little angel in my life :). Meet my sweet little gal Uma hailing from India.. Now she is part of our life. Yeah I am sponsoring her education, Medical expenses , clothes and Safe drinking for this year.
Every one should have heaps of question:
Is she Orphan and Physically Challenged? Yeah she WAS... Not any more .. I am there for her.
How can we sponsor a child : Visit World Vision India
How much I should Spend: 1500 Rs per month.
Can we meet our sponsor: yeah you can, I am going to meet all 3 little angel in June. But you need let them know before you visit them.
How do you about your sponsor's Process : Annually World Vision India give you update and you will get a letter from your sponsor personally written by them.
Dont wait , we spend 1500 on dress and food but why cant we enlight someone's life. Education for Future India one of the important thing. Lets start working on future. :)
This week is little bit exciting with mixer of happiness and problems.. Here is the top 10 happenings this week .. as you all know this is not Rating .. just numbers
10. Successfully completed my Project and started working on next one.
9. Completed my SQL 2005 Microsoft certification
8. Entered Semifinals and Got a chance to play Division 1 Wollongong ( excited)
7. Started playing Handball and Indoor cricket with my colleagues.
6. Amma got retired - She must miss her Job...
5. Giri Back to Sydney to start new life.
4. D finished her Masters..
3. At last happiness in Natu's life. He made it. He got the Job now. Now he is back to india to fix some stuff.
2. www.studentsadelaide.org - another milestone of our students in Adelaide community.
1. Sick Sick Sick .. Yeah i am Sick :D-- This Week i am weak :))..
Something special: I saw somone in Pic after long long time ( Probably 8 years) .. Heaps excited.. No changes in that person face.. same as before. I hope even mentally same as before.. Seriously that pic made my week...
They say "In order to win something, you will have to give up something" - I gave up everything but same time I lost everything :) ..
Labels: Week
15 February 2007
Somewhere between the incessant forwards
and the friendships and the calls
to each other complaining about cRuSHeS and
Boy friends and girl friends!!
Somewhere between the phone calls to old
friends and the "I miss you"s,
the "I love you"s and
the "What are we doing tonight?"s
And somewhere between all of the changing and growing..
Somewhere between the classes and the skipping
classes.. and the StUdYiNg for ExAm.. And the
PRETENDING to "work" on your project(Like Me)..
And the downright NOT doing anything related to that..
Somewhere between all the appointments, starbuck's coffee's, McDonald's, Hungry Jack, KFC.. paying bills ... Making plans then breaking plans.... Appearing, Disappearing,then reappearing...
I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy.. And that pretending to be sMaRT doesn't make you Smart ....
I forgot that you can't just forget the past, you can't leave your present in fear of the FUTURE..
I forgot that you can't control falling in LoVe.. And that you can't make yourself fall in *LoVe*
I learnt that I can LOVE..
I learnt that it's okay to MeSS uP..
And it's okay to ask for HELP!!!..
And it's okay to feel like crap..
I learnt it's okay to CoMPLaiN and WHiNe to all your friends for a whole day..
I learnt that sometimes the things you want the most are the things that you just can't have and the things that you look for are right in front of you.
I learnt that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about.. I learnt that TIME and LOVE can heal everything..
I learnt that just when you think it can't get worse - it does!..
but you learn to survive..
I've learnt that when you start feeling BaD
about L O S I N G touch and about those who you've lost!
They too, are feeling the same way..
I've learnt that life's not easy, but its yours... And you have to live it.....
----------Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to carry on in spite of it.----------
I realized something..
I realized that i am in love ... :-)
It took me quite sometime.. but glad i finally did..
I m in love with that thing in the pic..
wats so special abt tht phone u ask me?
Thats my phone.. my trusted buddy..
Who shared all my secrets.. my conspiracies..my revelations.. ;)
Everyday i get up in the morning and like a spontaneous act, my long hand reaches out to my phone.. i fumble in the dark.. curse all the bulky things tht i bump into and have a kutti smile on my face when i feel my Nokia 6288 ... :-)
When i go out, its weird if i dont feel the little bulge in my pocket..
I start my day with my phone being the first to wish me good morning.. and everyday with a lil goodnight kiss from it..
My Nokia 6288 gives me everything..
My S " i miss u" .. My sisters "advice" , my mum's "care" , my dad's "love"...
My friend's torture :-p (Chumma i am Kidding )
A million sms..
constant beeping..
cursing THREE wen i exceed my 49$ plan..
Foul mouthing a friend who picked up my missed call wen i had exceeded my balance..
Embarrassment wen i forget to put my phone on silent mode in at Meeting..
I love u .. u short, black and handsome thing..
What wud i do without u ??
12 February 2007
Somethings do make our week special.. Of course, here is my top 10 (no no not a tag..please...) that brought a smile to me recently... no rating.. just numbers...
1. Mum's Birthday ( but missed it ) I love you amma... So much.. Miss u more then that....
2. Officially Australian... ( I got my PR)
3. Appa is planning to come Sydney for 1 month( sounds cool ) but dont know how this is going 2 work...
4. England Won the Common wealth Tournament.
5. I feel something different but i am enjoying it ( Note: No more questions on this )
6. Believe me - I had south Indian food for 3 days Continuously
7. We won our game this week after 2 straight lose.
8. Heavy rain, fog, Princess Highway with Hazard lights on- It was amazing drive on weekend..
9. Got to meet up with an old uni mates and Maha ..
10. Had Rasagola ( My Fav India Sweet)
I was thinking....all of the best things in life are best left unsaid, unvoiced...no reply.. something indirectly
A beautiful feeling or thought arises in your heart in response to something, and how vain it is to try and give it the form of words !!
Always felt that expressing something in words somehow always lessens the purity of the feeling....so words, however powerful they are, are always inadequate in giving form to the voice of the heart... you need to search for words and makes you worse ...
Like, a feeling of compassion that arises in your heart when you see the woman with a hungry child, begging at the traffic signal....or the high that you feel after a good day's work..........when you feel utterly sorry for someone or for something you have done, and how much ever you try to convey your apology, words are just not sufficient. But, the best example is.- when you love someone/something too much but you cant express in words and make them understand. (on second thought, is it for this reason that it is vain to try to describe God? but more on that later)
Also notice this often...this is with respect to the lower feelings...those feelings/thoughts that surface may times throughout the day, the ones tainted with selfishness, ego, pride, vanity, etc - when these feelings need to be conveyed, words are so useful and so very powerful..........what joy in twisting words, manipulating them, to deliberately mask what you really feel......and yet be supremely successful in getting the message across........
NOTE : I am not married.. heard there has been a conspiracy against me by the opposition parties in Coimbatore he he he he...these people are spreading rumors about marriage and started demanding treat ....without giving me gifts ...please help me fight this unfair war ..don't support them.
Alright let start this hot topic with different style...This topic purely on Gals who started there life in aboard... How many times have you heard that it is tough to understand a girl ? I swear to god its really touch and complicated stuff to understand a gal.. The girls have got a very complicated thinking process and we guys don't understand whats in a girl's mind.
I mean the guys are not smart enough to comprehend a girl's answer because a "no" means "yes" and a "yes" means "no" and there are times when "yes" means "yes" and "no" means "no". The complexity doesn't end here .A guy has to decipher that when a girl refuses to help him out with damn Java assignment and also gives him a few cold stares then she means that she wants flowers . Why don't the girls just get the flowers themselves ? I mean how many times has a guy tried to hint a girl that he wants a beer ? If he wants beer then he gets it by himself.
Now when I wish I could solve the puzzles the girls burden us with everyday , I hear some guys telling that girls change when they come abroad .When they say girls have changed do they mean the girls are more independent or less dependent on guys/family members ? If yes , then I guess its just that anyone who comes abroad has to be on his/her own .I know guys back home who cant go out on their own but when they go abroad they change.So being independent is not a girl or a guy thing ...its just a necessity when you are abroad.
Now if the "girls change when in abroad" means that they know less about Indian culture or they don't follow traditional stuffs , then again its a wrong statement .I have come across abroad settled families who know more about Indian culture and who follow it more than most of the Indians back home.Some of these people are more Indians(as in patriotism) than rest of us back home.
If you talk about "kunija thalai nimuratha ponnu" ( women who dont make eye contacts with others ) and the ones who only look at the floor when talking are not to be found in abroad , then let me tell you it has nothing to do with culture but with road.In India , all roads have lots of holes and uncovered manholes .So a girl walking on road looks down to avoid them . We are mistaking it for some kinda culture .You may ask then guys walking on those roads should also look down .Come on guys , you have to 2 options #) look out for the uncovered manholes #)look a the beautiful girl .Obviously every guy will choose to look at the girl.Only if guys were smarter , they had avoid the uncovered manholes ....and the girls .And of course , the roads abroad are safer.
So people please enlighten me what you mean by saying that girls change when they come abroad .I find them as mysterious as ever ... exactly the ones who claim to be an animal lover and against cruelty to animals ..but when you ask them for their favourit
7 February 2007
5 February 2007
Just now finished watching "Swades", Suddenly i feel home sick :(...The worst thing about being abroad is the loneliness that eventually engulfs you. After all, there is no substitute for home. You may get great food. There might be awesome entertainment avenues. The infrastructure might be infinitely better. There may be some really great Desi channels on your television set. You may have a decent circle of friends with whom you are extremely comfortable. But after 3 years, invariably, I started getting this feeling of loneliness.
What is it about India that I often search for wherever I go?
- The crowds.
- The roads.
- The freedom to cross the roads whenever and wherever you want to.
- The overflowing garbage bins that line the roads.
- The unruly traffic.
- The power cuts.
- Watching 5 Tamil channels on TV at any point of the day.
- Calling some one who is really close to you and talking to them for ages....
- The knowledge that mom and dad are just around the corner.
- The freedom to talk to my sister for an hour without bothering about spending away a fortune.
- A bunch of friends who understand and empathize with what exactly you are going through, and are probably going through it themselves.
- One of the lowest costs of living on earth.
- The loud music that blares all over the place.
- That incredible thing called home made food.
- The beauty of unplanned, unstructured locales.
- The monsoon.
- The pollution that makes you cough every time you are stuck in the traffic.
- The bargaining that is so essentially a part of Indian life.
- Traveling one hour to reach anywhere from anywhere.
- The otherwise usually atrocious autowallahs.
-The awesome pace of life
But is this what I really miss about India? I don’t know. There seem to be so many implicit factors. And so many indefinable emotions. Is it patriotism? Probably not something so noble. By the way, what is it that makes India so unique to you? I’m sure you would have a different list altogether...
This incredible “Swades” feeling that continues to bother me, is it a universal syndrome? Or, is it just me imagining things? I love my Country. India is the Best.
What do you do when things that you didn’t want to happen just happens effortlessly one by one? You don’t have control over it; you have no say over it. Do you give in or just stand and fight against it ?
What do you do when you want to accomplish something but you don’t seem to do it? Maybe it is not your forte. Maybe it is not your cup of tea. But you still want to do it just for the heck of it. But you don’t seem to be getting there. Do you give up and call yourself a loser or keep trying and get the feel of it if not the taste of success ?
What do you do when all of a sudden when you wake up and feel that you do not belong to the place you are in? Putting in more thoughts you realize you don’t belong anywhere and that there is no place at all that you belong to. Do you make a place for yourself or do you just compromise and live someone’s life instead ?
What do you do when you can’t communicate with the people around you? In spite of the same language, in spite of the closeness with people, you still can’t get your point to anyone. Do you remain silent or just try putting your thoughts time and again although no one understands ?
What do you do when each day you need to work so hard to carry the day through by being a different person each hour for each one you meet and interact? Do you continue all the hypocrisy and niceness - My Answer is YES and This is how I feel now at office but still I keep trying my best and enjoying as well..1 February 2007
I was analyzing the incidents where I could have been different..It was then I heard it..
I was sure no one could be there..Slowly and steadily I got up and looked around for any movement..But there was nothing to be seen..Still..I was hearing the voice..In fact familiar one which I heard for long time..

I was alone at home..And I save money by not using lights at night time...Window was opened and I closed my window..Where could be that sound be coming from..It was constantly coming from a place very close to me..But I was not able to see anything..The voice then started talking something..First I was not able to hear anything clearly..Slowly I was able to recognize the clear words..When I keenly listened to it..I then realized that it was narrating the things that I had done from the time I woke up..Each line that was uttered ..I was astonished..Who could it be?
All those things that only I could know was being told by that unknown voice..
The places where I had committed mistakes..The incident where I had hurt someone..The incident where I forgot to pay attention to my close pals..So many more incidents..How could this be??
Even th

I needed to thank the voice...Just then..I went on to switch on all the lights in my house..Searched for more than an hour in all nook and corner..But there was no one in my house..Except me .....So....Yeah...This should have been....Yeah.Ur guess is right..The voice belonged to "My Conscience.."
30 January 2007
After living outside India for nearly 2 years and 7 months and some odd days now, it is definitely a time for me to do a comprehensive analysis of what I have been through in past. Hence decided to dedicate a series of posts on the living experience here down under.
I arrived in this country like any other NRI flashing his teeth in search of a wonderful life ahead. Glorification was taught to us, Indians, by the rich NRI, who remit money at the count of lakhs in each and every bank account found in India. I was excited & thrilled to pouch at the opportunity.
No sooner than I arrived in this wonderful land, I was shown the door by my friend to find a life on my own. I came in search of Independence and Democracy, most importantly a career, I was given my share of it immediately. I found myself with 72 kgs of baggage on the road at midnight on a Sunday, with my grad school commencing just two days in time. A helping hand was given, I grabbed it with the most dubious smile ever given.
The first semester was an experience of lifetime. I experienced Snapshots from Chris Gardner life all 6 months . So I was well prepared expecting the worst danger possible. I had my own doubts if I would be able to succeed in this profession. My expectations were as usual souring high, not thinking about the delivery. I was fortunate enough not to get bowled over by the speeding ball when delivered. I got an insight of a different education system (Not that I went to my under-grad classes!). Wondered if it is was a research degree or coursework for long; later realizing I was sitting in the wrong lectures! Started waking up at 2pm in the morning to discover my assignments pending even after putting in zillion hours of work in it with my friend then realized my logic is totally wrong.
If school life was such, home stay was even better with nice friends unfortunately forced to leave the house due to some misunderstanding. But as the story goes of an usual desi who in the process of Cultural issues and Indianism, as termed, forgoes the best of opportunities in aid of a better future, and curses himself while thinking about those golden doorways again. Those late night parties followed with surprise assignment the next day at class was the best combo, even beating a 40 points in 2 quarter by Jordan.
One year flew faster than I thought it would. It left me under-prepared for the Project. My coach always say that in basketball third and fourth quarter are the toughest in Game. He didn't lie. It was the toughest in terms of academic vigorousness coupled with Social life. I am no Social animal, but certainly love the pleasure of a company. This proved to be the best chance to discover the circle & enhance my network. I met some fabulous people at university & outside university, giving an eventful finish to what it can be termed as a synchronized semester. But I found this semester to be far more advanced with some wonderful lectures.
I realised academic systems are different. Research was given more priority than spoon-feeding lectures. Even after immense paper submissions, the marks were allocated according to the in-depthness of the subject matter involved. In India it was about India, but in Australia it was not about Australia; rather about the World, may be this proved to be the biggest difference. Everything was large-scale and big-picture than country specificness. The best part about the whole experience was the design which suited poets and in-experienced students, synchronized with industry professionals & amazing lecturers. Knowledge transmission was fabulous. I grew myself, groomed and more work-ready.
At last the day came where I need to put full stop for my studies and to start thinking about my Job. Damn!! Life is really fast but again I was fortunate where I end up with Job. New Job, New life, New friends, New place and of course New goals - this is how I started my year 3. To be honest I enjoyed my life as student but now everything changed in different way. I have to think from square to decide something in my life.
This is life .. Lets enjoy .. Keep smiling..
Labels: Australia, Journey, University
29 January 2007
Last five days I was in Canberra with my friends and I had a nice time hanging around everywhere in Canberra even though it was an official trip. I found some interesting stuff about Canberra when I spend my time over there..
I’d like to correct some people’s views of Australia's capital but these are some interesting stuff I noticed when I was there...
ACT locals don’t like traffic lights. I counted at least twenty roundabouts and 10 car's passed even if it's in RED.
The city has to be the greenest city in all of Australia - instead of token parks in between masses of buildings, Canberra has token buildings between masses of parks and bushland. I saw some car's number plate saying ‘Australia’s bush capital’ .
Their buses have stickers on the outside of windows that state (in all seriousness) ‘Do not enter the bus through windows’.
Locals remark they do have traffic jams - but when the lights go green, the jam is gone (I’m told they have recently started having real traffic jams due to increase in population).
Their bus stops are camouflaged as 70’s science fiction booths ( not all Bus stops only few of them).
They have an unusual amount of irish themed pubs for such a small population which seems to be too busy where you can't get in after 10 Pm.
The first couple of people I met told me that Canberrra is like Perth but much quieter. That concerns me given I thought Perth was quiet.
Everyone who I saw walking the streets of the city had Government ID cards on lanyards around their necks. I’m talking 3 out of every four people, no kidding ( Most of them working in Government sector).Every place of importance needs to be named starting with the word ‘National’ (see National Library of Australia, National Gallery of Australia, National Museum of Australia, etc) or ‘Commonwealth’ (Commonwealth Place, Commonwealth Circle, Commonwealth Building, etc) - I expected to see a National Commonwealth Capital Street, but I was sadly unfulfilled.
There are 80 embassies within 5 km of Parliament House.
There is little graffiti or stenciling.
There are no international flights in or out of Canberra ( Really bad) .
Everyone is amazingly friendly - bus drivers, taxi drivers, random people in the street.
Labels: Canberra
28 January 2007
This is one of my favorite films of the this year which emotionally won my heart. Will Smith is nothing less than perfect! The story is about a man (Chris Gardner) who is very much a victim of taxes. He is a family man, with a wife who is fed up with living in such debt, and a five year old son is to young and innocent to know whats going on. Will Smith wins my pick for the best actor award come Oscar season. He gives it all and there isn't a single scene that he could have done better.

For me as a graduate, it is a major wake up call! Chris Gardner talks about how he would get an A on a test and wonders how he got where he was, homeless, and doing everything he possibly can to help him and his kid (Jaden Smith Wills REAL son) get through this. The film co-stars Thandie Newton, and she gives a great performance as well. This movie should be seen in schools! Its that important! Next to Untied 93, this is the most powerful and eye opening movie I have seen this year! 10/10.
You should definitely watch this.. yes it is pretty sad in the beginning and the middle but you will feel happy at the end. It turned out better then i expected. It is one of the most heartwarming stories ever... and you actually can feel your body crying inside. I would definitely recommend that you do see this!.
23 January 2007
Mother's lap...
Gal friends pain...
Father's advise...
Sister's happiness...
Beach sand...
Encouragement spree...
Rice with ghee and Sambar...
Masters in university...
Lack of sleep...
Alarm beep...
Darkness of night...
Success in sight...
Meandering thoughts...
Why the three dots star...
Glittering stars
Formula 1
My life so far
Childhood memories
A soft touch
Heavy mind
Silent tear
Slight fear
Arise, I did, from my bed, to just pen down the thoughts I experience before I sleep...What do u think just before u sleep? Just curious to know if our thoughts at this time truly reflect who we are...cos this is one time of the day we don't have to tailor our thoughts to the need of the situation...and nobody to impress or time to catch up.
Labels: Thoughts
22 January 2007
Couple of weeks I feel like I lost everything in my life with lot of frustration and totally exhausted with my damn job. But everything vanished today after ONE sorry which I asked to someone who is really special in my life. Always Mum use say there must be some reason behind anything which happens in our life. In this case I can’t figure out why friendship makes harder and gives lot of pain between us. Still now both of them not sure what went wrong and how to resolve this issue. But I took the step just asking sorry to that person. I am sure that we are not going to loose anything if we ask sorry to some one who you really want in your life. I am not Gandhi’s family but something really tremble me a lot and I don’t want to loose some one I know more then 5 years. I feel happy today to get back my stupid friend in my life but the same time I am holding lot of fear inside my heart. Hope everything will go fine…
21 January 2007
Bio Data Name: Hari, Vathu, Daffy, Harry potter, etc etc
Date of Birth: Amitab's Birth Date
Age: 3 donkeys
Sex: Not yet, Male, Single and Unavailable
Sunsign: The Libra (Unbalanced mind)
Height: feet feet feet feet feet fee
Weight: before Featherweight, now too much weight
Current Address: Most authoritarian democracy ( Ozeee Mate)
Permanent Address: Covai, Coimbatore,Kovai,etc etc
NRIC/ Passport: hari.jaganathan@gmail.com
Education: Pattani Sundal Bonda Bajji Sudasuda Sambar Saadham (Konjum Kevalamana Nagar) Nondhu Thadumaariya Undergraduation Occupation: Staring at the monitor
Designation: Typist
Qualification: Surfology
Hobby: Games...Basketball
Experience: Successfully Know as Stupid Computer engineer
Achievement: Still alive
Best Moment: Searching.....
Worst Moment: Core
Dump: Memory Overflow
Most Embarrasing Moment: When I had to rejet the only soul that asked me out !
My Crushes: First one was a heavy weight, got crushed real bad
Girl Friends: Google desktop (1 stop solution)
Wanted: Rs and AUD $
Unwanted: What I carried to school.
Biggest Strength: I let go my ego long ago
Biggest Weakness: Non stop nonsense
Best Opportunity: Already knocked at my door when I was away
Worst Threat: she is too short then me
What I love most: Can't classify it, but it rhymes.
What I hate most: The treaded path is my dreaded path
Biggest Worry: Never lasted even a second...until now
Biggest Success: Number of people willing to kill me
Biggest Failure: Number of close friends
Biggest Pride: Being an Indian, Citizen and Manithan
My ambition: Try to be Human
Favourite Quote: Take life as it comes till it goes.
Favourite Unquote: Forgive and forget, you will never regret.
References: 1. Mind 2. Heart
1. What is your occupation? IT DBA
2. Do u have Gal friend ? Yes I do ...
3. What are you listening to right now? Guru and Pokiri ..
4. What was the last thing you ate? Noodless
5.Are you a morning person or evening person? Evening Person...
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue
7. How is the weather right now? Hot ( atleast 35 Degree)
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone: Mum
9. What do you do in your spare time? At present ( Orkut , Orkut ) Sometimes Movie, Sometimes Photoshop
10. Favorite drink? Keep walking ( JW)
11. Favorite sport to watch? Basketball ( fed up with Indian Cricket and Ashes Tour)
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Nope...
13. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Nope
14. Pets? Yes i do ( I love Dogs)
15. Favorite month? Sep and Oct...
16. Who is your favorite singer? I am not particular in singers.. but i like SPB, Hariharan and Karthick
17. What was the last movie you watched? Guru ( 4 out of 5 )
18. Favorite day of the year? immmm Sep 5th ..
19. What do you do to vent anger? Be calm..
20. What was your favorite toy as a child? HOT Wheels
21. Autumn or spring? Spring
22. Hugs or kisses? Hugs...
23. Cherry or blueberry? Cherry
27. Living arrangements? Wollongong
28. What's your favorite movie that you hate to admit you love? Black
29. What is on the floor of your closet? My Office Laptop :(
31. What did you do last night? Was working till 3 Am ( God Damn )
34. What are you afraid of? Ghost and Examssssss (Saw 1, 2 and 3 )
35.Do you like Plain, cheese, or spicy burgers? Spicy Burgers
38. Number of keys on your key ring? 7
39. How many years at your current job? 6 Months
40. Favorite day of the week? Friday and Saturday
41. How many cities have you lived in? Long list.. but now i am in Sydney
* why is it that i feel like watching smile again though i dint like it that much...
* why am i suddenly start blogging again...
* why do i suddenly think about all that new things that i need to do to keep myself busy..
* why do i am facing all tough time in recent past (especially in office)
* why am i so lazy on weekend and sleeping for long time..
* why is there so much of work at office...
* why am i waiting for July so eagerly...
* why everyone coming back in life after long gap
* why am I started going to temple each weekend for couple of months..
* why this post...absolutely no idea...just like that!!
* and why are you reading this useless post of mine!! cos you are jobless as much as i am...grin!!
Labels: Why
20 January 2007
Labels: A.R Rehman, Dream, Friends, Ooty, SPB
Hari: A coffee please
Oz Staff: To have here or takeaway?
Hari: To takeaway.
Oz Staff: Do you have a loyalty card?
Hari: No
Oz Staff: Would you like one?
Hari: No,thanks.
Oz Staff: If you have a loyalty card, ten stamps gets you a free drink. Are you sure you wouldn't like one?
Hari: Quite sure, thank you.
Oz Staff: Would you like a pastry with that?
Hari: No thanks.
Oz Staff: How about a biscotti?
Hari: No. Thank you.
Oz Staff: Really!
Hari: I'd just like my drink please.
Oz Staff: Right, sir. One tea coming up.
Hari: No, coffee.
Oz Staff:: A latte?'
Hari: No. Just a black coffee please with milk
Oz Staff: A black, filter coffee with milk?
Hari: Exactly.
Oz Staff: What size?
Hari: I dunno. Medium?
Oz Staff: One grande filter coffee coming up.
Hari:I don't want a "grande! Just a medium.
Oz Staff:Grande is medium, sir.
Hari: Oh. Sorry. Thanks.
Oz Staff: That'll be S3.50 please.
Oz Staff:Great. Brilliant. Thank you.
Hari: Escape Mamuuuuuuuuuuuuu
This happens everyday - Maybe twice a day sometimes, unless you go to the same coffee place day in day out. And even then it happens, cos they keep changing the staff.And to think some people have the patience to ask for their De-Caf Semi-Skimmed Organic Americano with Double Shot ( I have no idea what the hell is that) .It would take me ages to get that.
So I will put in simple words from next time, "A Medium Latte to Take-Away. Nothing Else. Heres the exact money in change,Thank You,Bye" but that wudnt be fun, wud it.
Labels: Australia, Coffee, Startbucks, Tea
Abhishek's the enthusiastic, full of energy Guru with a zest in his walk to the swagger which comes with experience in Gurubhai's older days, Abhishek is in his elements and he probably knew that he will never get a role like this and gave his all. To be honest I can't understand Hindi but I watched this movie for three master elements worked together (Mani, AR and Abhishek). The enthusiasm and freshness(for lack of a better word - Watch Ash in Megha Megha on the screen to know what I mean) in the young Guru and Sujata makes you fall in love with cinema all over again and you realize why exactly is Cinema where it is - The most popular art form since the last 100 years.
About the others, I was impressed with Madhavan in RDB but he didn't do much other then kissing scene. Limited role for Vidya Balan, who did a wonderful job in Muna Bahi 2 . Bollywood needs to improve its kissing skills - In both Dhoom and here, a normal kiss scene looks more weird than normal - Who kisses like this? Surely some lessons from Emraan Hashmi and Mallika Sherawat from Murder needed.
Music - Tough one to call. I warmed up to all songs before watching the movie but Barso Re, Tere Bina and Mayya Mayya, look good on the big screen. Ek Lo Ek Muft song was surplus and spoils the flow of the movie but one mistake is allowed, I guess. Mani is also human, he has right to make at least one mistake. I challenge anyone to understand and then make sense of any one line in Mayya Mayya - It sounds more like Lebanese song than a Turkish Belly Dancing Song (Mallika saves the plot showing her 75%) - Or do a first next time - Provide subtitles in Hindi in a Hindi movie. Thats it, no more criticism.
I have said it before, I will say it again - Guru brings back the charm of going to the Cinema. 4 stars out of 5.
Labels: A.R Rehman, Abhishek, Aishwaraya, Guru, Madhvan, Mani
18 January 2007
Fate plays games with us. We always want to prove ourself against fate and make us the winners. However, we lose almost all the time. This might make some of us disillusioned. We elevate fate to be the invincibles and most of us just give up on our prowess to wrest the advantage from it. However, some of us take defeat on our shoulders and keep improving with every game.
We may not master the game, neither understand our opponent, but we can keep improving our skills. There comes the time when the odd victory stares at us. And what do we do? We attribute it to LUCK :P So in other words, all of us are inherently self-abstracting.. we dont want credit for our victories nor blame for our failures. We want other entities to suffer.
Do you realise the invaluable friendship that fate brings to our lives and how we conveniently blame it for everything? A true friend is one who gives unto thee without expecting anything in return. They even shoulder you are ill spat but still continue to be with you and guide you along the right path, however hard or harsh their words might seem! Embrace fate, acknowledge reality and live your life! Then you will be surprised that you can take almost anything that fate seems to throw at us and whack it for a six!
10 January 2007
2007 has atlast dawned with new dreams and hopes for all. And for me it has blossomed with all smiles and grinzz with friends holding my hands ..Nothing spl that I did at the first minute of the new year but anyways, the year seems promising and wonderful at different place, wonderful fireworks!!
On a different note :Travel has been one thing I love a lot..Travel as in travelling long hours to tournaments, college and now to meet my friends (Sydney - Adelaide) !!I love spending hours on travelling especially when its long and rainy journey. Sigh!! But one thing that I have learnt to do during those long hours is observe!! Observe all the happenings outside my window!!And there are some really interesting things that I have started to do these days!!
So here is a list of a few things :
- Look out for all the new buildings, the architecture, the vibrant colors, the font of the buildings.
- Try noticing all the small kids walking on the roads, especially in the mornings. I am surprised by their smartness in crossing roads, holding hands together. And even otherwise, it is a pleasure watching all those small children play around and walk along with their friends doing all naughty things and at the same time being careful.
- Check out the registration number of the vehicles around and Iam sure you would find atleast a few fancy numbers (ex- NSW FUCK - 123).
- Note the names of the shops on the way and make a mental calculation of the number of times some names are repeated.
- Look out for some nice car and keep hoping that one day you will own this car ( even I am Human with dreams isnt??).
Funny isnt?? Yeah lot of changes in my life for past couplr of years. Hope 2007 will be bring some hopes and happinees in everyones life. Love you all.. Keep smiling.