28 February 2007

Thinking with brain or Heart?

When we think of the problems in our life its two types:

1) problems that come by themselves(spontaneous)
2) problems that we create ourselves.(self - induced)

The problems that come by themselves can never be stopped.But I think we at least can avoid the ones created by ourselves...one such major self induced problem is problem created due to relationships... . This problem can be reduced if we know what importance a relationship reacquires....How much importance it deserves....in more simple terms Is it we have to handle it applying our brain or use our heart! When it comes to issues with regards to family ...like parents ,sibblings,relatives or spouse...we automatically apply our heart..for simple reasons....Blood is always thicker than water.... whatever misunderstandings we have...however angry we get ...we tend to get back to them!!!simply because family is family!!!! But now coming to handling other relationships like friendship,neighbours,official contacts or any special relationship...we always have to decide to apply heart or brain... Man being a social human being...we need to depend on others apart from family...and thats where friends play an important role....and the issue here is to identify the right person..there are always people...who like us for what we are for our values our character and truly care on our well being!!!!There is always a emotional attachment towards these people and they need a emotional attachment!!! But there are always a bunch of people who hang around with us for some help...or need of some influence..or for the sake of getting on with us....but these relationships need real serious attention...its better to apply logical thinking here..as these people will always leave us when their requirement is over..If we take up these people seriously we are definitely in soup! I have seen few people can never take decisions on their own they need their friends support or another persons support to share and care about everything and they are totally broken if something wrong goes...in between!!!I believe..in relying on me and GOD! as i know I won ditch myself!!and definitely not GOD! Life has thought me valuable lessons..There were people who stoop besides me in my bad times and gave me every inch of a support to get back to normal..and there were people who made me get hurt emotionally!!! But all that I can say is at all ups and downs in past present and future my family friends has been with me and will be with me!!! Now talking on spouse relationships...Im young to talk on this...but mom has always told me since small..that i should learn to adjust and whatever happens to always stick on to that life!! Make your spouse happy and sacrifice for her. Yeah she is right and i really want to do this too... But I think in few cases people feel it so difficult to stick on to the relationships... I think when it is to spouse relationships we got to take a step bit patiently cos..living single b4 marriage isnt a prob...but living single after marriage is really difficult esp if there are children in the relationship.
So my conclusion....I would think with heart about my family ,spouse and friends ...and to those to whom I have to show my gratitude...but in other cases tolerance in a relationship will purely decided with BRAINS!!!! Life is too beatiful to be spent worrying...Decision i have taken is to dedicate time ,energy ,love ,prayers and above all TOLERANCE to only the ones who deserve it...I have alresy started practising it and my life seems to be more beautiful than ever! Life has taught its lessons to me ints own unique way! Good night :)

1 Comment:

  1. achu talking said...
    hw wud u define a problem? Wen things go beyond ur control or wen u are incapabale of handling a situation, then u feel it’s a problem.

    Regarding relationships…the only defining thing would be “ total acceptance” .
    ACCEPTANCE and TOLERANCE r way too different things. I may not like sumthing in u but then knwin thts wt u r, I accept u..which is beautiful. If u practice tolerance instead of acceptance ther will be some point when u cannot bend down anymore n u will jus split up.

    decisions taken listening to ur heart vis. ur mind. interestin...

    u can think only with ur mind. wen u actually knw urn't supposed to be doin sumthin but still do it, u find an excuse to say u listened to ur heart instead of ur mind.

    And hw do u decide who deserves ur love? If love is jus the very being…that u r… life will truly be beautiful

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