12 February 2007

Unsaid Things

I was thinking....all of the best things in life are best left unsaid, unvoiced...no reply.. something indirectly

A beautiful feeling or thought arises in your heart in response to something, and how vain it is to try and give it the form of words !!

Always felt that expressing something in words somehow always lessens the purity of the feeling....so words, however powerful they are, are always inadequate in giving form to the voice of the heart... you need to search for words and makes you worse ...

Like, a feeling of compassion that arises in your heart when you see the woman with a hungry child, begging at the traffic signal....or the high that you feel after a good day's work..........when you feel utterly sorry for someone or for something you have done, and how much ever you try to convey your apology, words are just not sufficient. But, the best example is.- when you love someone/something too much but you cant express in words and make them understand. (on second thought, is it for this reason that it is vain to try to describe God? but more on that later)

Also notice this often...this is with respect to the lower feelings...those feelings/thoughts that surface may times throughout the day, the ones tainted with selfishness, ego, pride, vanity, etc - when these feelings need to be conveyed, words are so useful and so very powerful..........what joy in twisting words, manipulating them, to deliberately mask what you really feel......and yet be supremely successful in getting the message across........


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