22 January 2007


Couple of weeks I feel like I lost everything in my life with lot of frustration and totally exhausted with my damn job. But everything vanished today after ONE sorry which I asked to someone who is really special in my life. Always Mum use say there must be some reason behind anything which happens in our life. In this case I can’t figure out why friendship makes harder and gives lot of pain between us. Still now both of them not sure what went wrong and how to resolve this issue. But I took the step just asking sorry to that person. I am sure that we are not going to loose anything if we ask sorry to some one who you really want in your life. I am not Gandhi’s family but something really tremble me a lot and I don’t want to loose some one I know more then 5 years. I feel happy today to get back my stupid friend in my life but the same time I am holding lot of fear inside my heart. Hope everything will go fine…


  1. Anonymous said...
    you've done quite well by apologizing to this person and what more could I say except for "well done"!

    It certainly removes a heavy load off your shoulders,eh. And yes,you NEVER lose ANYTHING by apologizing. In fact,you actually gain a lot : ) A sense of satisfaction,am I not right?

    So there! Good job...again,s.

    But what I do not understand is,why do you say that your friendship with this person (10 impressive years) is painful? And not to mention the fear in your heart? You lost me there.

    Friendship means joy and laughter and sharing.What you're going through seems to contradict the very foundation of friendship.

    Nevertheless,I do hope (for your sake) that everything goes fine : )
    Anonymous said...
    Think Of Those Who Love You.

    If someone should hurt you
    and say a thing unkind,
    Remember what I write to you,
    and keep these thoughts in mind.

    For everyone that makes you cry,
    there are three to make you smile,
    And a smile will last for a long, long time,
    but a tear just a little while.

    Don't let someone who hates the world
    cause you to hate it too,
    Behind the clouds is a Golden sun,
    and a sky that's full of Blue.

    If someone said a thing that's cruel,
    don't let it get to you,
    Your achievements are greatly numbered,
    and your faults are very few.

    So if a certain person should act a certain way,
    Think of those who Love You.

    And don't let it spoil your day!

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